max arambulo

registered psychotherapist



Be nobody else but yourself.

A path that

is only yours.

"Move to that voice from within, rather than to ​those raucous, persuasive, or threatening ​voices pressuring us to be what the world wants ​us to be."

— Audre Lorde

Practice pillars

The heart alludes to my somatic and body-honoring approach.

Therapy grounded in the body

The eye image represents my person-centred approach where I hold hope that a person is always capable of change.


The mountain range image represents my spiritually- and existentially-informed approach and my training in providing Spiritual Care

Spiritually and existentially informed

The hand represents my anti-racist approach and my training in working with racialized trauma

An anti-racist space

The phone image represents the safe space I strive to co-create for conversation and curiosity.

A conversation,

not an interrogation

I support people ​seeking self-​acceptance, deeper ​relationships, and ​personal agency so ​they can feel fearlessly ​and be more present in ​their lives.

Contact info


CRPO Registration #12858



Be nobody but yourself.